Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Monsters, Inc. - Movie Review

Directed by Pete Docter, Lee Unkrich, David Silverman

James P. Sullivan (John Goodman)
Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal)
Boo (Mary Gibbs)
Henry J. Waternoose III (James Coburn)
Randall Boggs (Steve Buscemi)

Monsters, Inc. is a 2001-released Pixar film, about a world of monsters that scare children to receive screams that power their entire world. That sounds like the premise for a terrifying movie, but you'd be deceived. 
The story of Monsters Inc. follows scaring expert (but soft guy) James Sullivan, or Sully, and his best friend Mike Wazowski, as they are responsible for a little girl who wanders into their world by mistake. 

Hilariously, the monsters in this world are petrified by human children, and so the initial encounters between the little girl (who they name Boo) and the two protagonist monsters are highly entertaining. With them realising that Boo is harmless, it is up to them to get her back home, incognito because it would cause a disaster if anyone found out. 
There are complications, however, as Randall Boggs has other plans. 

This movie is what Pixar is. It's a family movie, but not a children's movie. Anyone could watch it and still be gripped, and it is the movie of my childhood. The number of times I've watched this with my parents and sister (after she was born) can't be measured, and I'd still pop it in right now and watch it. 

For a movie to be this precious to me, it has to be good. And oh goodness, this movie was so good. It has so much of the Pixar magic, and it really gets to you. It really is the best of what film making is, and took Pixar to a level beyond toys and bugs, The plot is so simple, yet so beautiful, and it captures the relationship between Boo and Sully remarkably. Don't be surprised if it leaves you teary-eyed. 

I don't even need to mention how brilliant the animation is, because Pixar never fail to deliver. 

This is one of the few Pixar movies (Well, few right now anyway) to get a sequel. Which wasn't actually a sequel, it was a prequel, but it's still a second movie. I'll review that some time. 

But for now, on a scale where M is the lowest, and R is the highest possible rating, with the highlighted letter being the rating:

Monsters, Inc.: MIHIR

You might be wondering why I review a lot of great stuff, rather than terrible stuff. Let's just say I have a good taste. But there will be some real negativity in my next one. Some enraging, heavily backed up negativity. 

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